Premillennialism Exposed

Premillennialism Exposed

'This has to be the best refutation of the gross error of premillennialism I have ever read. Mr. Metcalfe is precise and to the point on all the fundamental errors of premillennialism. I highly recommend this well-presented booklet to all who love the truth.'

'I found myself in whole-hearted agreement with the following quotation from Mr. Metcalfe when he writes that the dispensationalist finds himself: 'however unintentionally the advocate of a system which tears down the edifice of grace and tramples underfoot the Son of God in a humiliating millennial reign of confusion.'

'The booklet correctly and accurately details the faulty thinking of the dispensationalist. It may only be 34 pages long, but that is all Mr. Metcalfe needed for this fine refutation. 'Premillennialism Exposed' is still available from The John Metcalfe Publishing Trust in the U.K. and I encourage you to read it.'

Review from the USA Publication
'Justification by Christ Alone'


The Westminster Confession Exploded: Deliverance from the Law


Amazon Review by DOM

'This is a superb book. It cannot be recommended highly enough. It is an outstanding work. Metcalfe authoritatively and lucidly defends the liberty of the gospel 'wherewith Christ hath made us free' (from Galatians 5:1) by refuting the error that the Christian is bound by the law of Moses, as the Westminster Confession of 1643 states 'It directs them and binds them to walk accordingly' (from the Westminster Confession XIX vii).

'Metcalfe's arguments are Biblical, solid and irrefutable, as the pretensions of error are quite simply blown away by the power, glory and beauty of the truth of the gospel. A must for all those earnestly enquiring after true Biblical understanding of the gospel of Christ. Metcalfe's style is, as usual, immensely readable, very accessible, heart-felt and concise. He deals with the kernel of a matter, and has no time for chaff.

'Though the work runs to only 111 pages, it is immensely weighty and serious, as the incomparable subject matter demands. Just cannot recommend it highly enough. Read it.'

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Amazon Review by DOM

Just blew me away. What an amazing book the gospel of Mark is. If you, as I used to, think of the gospel of Mark as something of a poor cousin to the other more impressive gospel narratives, this book will change your mind. I now see Mark as equal in substance and stature with Matthew, Luke and John; different, saying something different, with its own wholly distinct points to make, while also certainly at the same time all of a piece with them, but though different (as, I realise, each of the gospels is) nevertheless equal to them in stature in my eyes now, whereas it was not so before. Yet again, Metcalfe has helped me to understand what the message of a Biblical book is, and I can now appreciate the gospel of Mark's unique place in, and distinctive contribution to, the Biblical doctrine of Christ. Metcalfe's book is just absolutely brilliant. A powerhouse of an exposition of a powerhouse of a Biblical book. DO NOT PASS THIS BOOK BY.

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Amazon Review by DOM

This is a wonderful book. It is not centrally concerned with scientific debate, but with what the Genesis account means. What are we to understand from the scriptural record? What is the teaching? This is the concern here, and it is very refreshing to find a book which concentrates on the doctrine instead of issues about the creation/evolution debate. And magnificent doctrine it is too, beautiful, transcendent, powerful. Metcalfe writes in his typically passionate, orderly and incisive manner. An enlightening, edifying and exciting book.

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The Book of Ruth

The Book of Ruth

Amazon Review by DOM

Powerful, insightful, lucid and enlightening, Metcalfe's book penetrates to the core of the prophetic nature of the Old Testament book of Ruth, expounding the spiritual truth of the gospel of Jesus Christ. It's marvellous, so edifying. You'll miss out if you don't read it.

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Christ Crucified

Christ Crucified Volume 5

Amazon Review by DOM

A wonderful book. Metcalfe passionately and lucidly expounds the Biblical doctrine in an orderly and logical manner. Part One looks at the accounts of the crucifixion in Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. Part Two lays out the Biblical doctrine of the blood of Christ: The Shed Blood, The Blood of Purchase, Redemption Through his Blood, The Blood of Sprinkling, The Blood of the Covenant. Part Three explains the Biblical doctrine of the cross of Christ: The Doctrine of the Cross, The Cross and the Body of Sin, The Cross and the Carnal Mind, The Cross and the Law, The Offence of the Cross, The Cross of our Lord Jesus Christ. Metcalfe's books have helped many people to grow in the substance of the teaching of the Holy Bible, and this, to my mind, is one of his most crucial and pivotal works. I suggest reading this book, then 'Justification By Faith', then 'The Church - What Is It?', in that order, one after the other. They progress logically, and together define the crux of Metcalfe's teaching and constitute the core of his formidable body of work. Discovering Metcalfe's work had an enormous impact on me, a profound and lasting effect upon my understanding of the teaching of the Holy Bible and a wonderfully enlightening and releasing experience in my Christian walk. I commend his work to you enthusiastically, in the hope that you might find his books as beneficial as I have done. And, in my view, for anyone unfamiliar with his work, this book is the perfect place to start.

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Justification By Faith

Justification By Faith Volume 6

Amazon Review by DOM

Marvellous, marvellous, marvellous. An orderly, knowledgeable, passionate account of the Biblical doctrine. For those interested in the truth of the gospel of Jesus Christ as authoritatively taught in the apostolic doctrine, this is an absolute goldmine. For understanding, light, truth and freedom, get this book.

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The Church: What is it?

What is it? Volume 7

Amazon Review by DOM

Metcalfe is, as ever, orderly, passionate and incisive. He is a wonderful teacher of the Biblical truth of the gospel, only ever dealing with the kernel of a matter, ever keen to truly understand the mind of Christ. The Biblical truth which Metcalfe expounds here is breath-taking, and it is thrilling to discover it laid out so clearly and eloquently and passionately.

I highly recommend reading this book after 'Christ Crucified' and then 'Justification by Faith', they then progress in a compact and logical manner one after another and between them, in my view, form the crux of Metcalfe's substantial body of work. But each book works fine on its own too.

The book has six chapters: (1) What is the Church?; (2) The Introduction to the Ecclesia; (3) The Foundation of the Ecclesia; (4) Fatherhood and the Ecclesia; (5) The Building of the Ecclesia; (6) The Beginning of the Ecclesia.

No Systematic Theology here, Metcalfe is concerned with personal, immediate, spiritual insight into the gospel of Jesus Christ as taught in holy scripture. Magnificent doctrine. Excellent exposition. A very wonderful book.

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The Revelation of Jesus Christ

The Revelation of Jesus Christ Volume 8

Amazon Review by DOM

An authoritative, orderly and detailed survey of the Biblical book of Revelation, working through Chapter by Chapter. This is a long work, but not a page too long. Metcalfe writes in a very lucid, straightforward, direct and powerful way, with immense spiritual insight and Christian passion. A truly edifying book which will reward through a lifetime. It really opens up the book of Revelation, and all becomes clear. Simply cannot recommend it highly enough.

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Noah and the Flood

Noah and the Flood

An excellent book. John Metcalfe describes from the scriptures what the ark was really like (it was not a boat) and shows the truth, debunking all the harmful fairytale myths about the Flood.

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